Interview Questions
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Interview Questions
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Interview Questions
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Interview Questions
from Lay-friends

Thong Tri Temple II
The Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama in Lumbini, Nepal around 480 BCE. “The Buddha” is a title which means “Awakened One.” Gautama was reported to have had a spiritual awakening. After this significant event, The Buddha spent 45 years teaching about suffering and how to end suffering. This was the birth of the world religion Buddhism.
Dharma Patriarch Minh Dang Quang was born Nguyen, Thanh Dat on September 26, 1923 at Phu Hau, Tong Binh Phu, Quan Tam Binh, Tinh Vinh Long, South -Viet Nam. He was the Founder of the Buddhayana Tradition (Hệ Phái Khẩt Sĩ). “Buddhayana is a term for a more authentic, progressive, tolerant, and inclusive Buddhism. Buddhayana calls on using the wisdom from all the traditions in a syncretic way, but without sacrificing the authenticity of the Dhamma. It typically calls for adaptations to fit the modern world, which arguably keeps the Dhamma alive since the Buddha gave several teachings on skillful means, abolishing minor training rules if necessary, and adapting to local customs and language” (
Following the teachings of Dharma Patriarch Minh Dang Quang and the Buddhayana Tradition, Venerable Thich Minh Thong renounced the world to study under the Most Highest Rank Venerable Thich Giac Nhien for 12 years at To Dinh Minh Dang Quang in Westminster, California. Venerable Thich Minh Thong asked permission from Most Highest Rank Venerable Thich Giac Nhien to come and follow the Highest Rank Thich Giac Luong to stay with him as a secondary mentor for a few years. Then, Venerable Thich Minh Thong asked Thích Giac Luong permission to leave to establish Thong Tri I Temple (Tịnh Xá Thông Trí I) on his own at 1207 Warren Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94591 for eight years.
Two predestined disciples, Hanh Ngoc and Minh Ngoc, renounced the world to follow Venerable Thich Minh Thong and Venerable Thich Minh Tan. Venerable Thich Minh Thong and Venerable Thich Minh Tan both followed the same master. Hanh Ngoc followed Venerable Thich Minh Thong for 20 years. Hanh Ngoc (Phuong Pham) found Venerable Thich Minh Tan through Facebook as she was studying and researching the Dharma and meditation. She often reached out to Venerable Thich Minh Thong and Venerable Thich Minh Tan regarding any questions she had about the Dharma and Vipassana meditation. Venerable Thich Minh Tan teaches Dharma lessons and writes books about the Dharma. Venerable Thich Minh Tan is the abbot at a temple in Viet Nam, Hoang Truyen Temple (Tịnh Xá Hoằng Truyền), A 3/2 AP 1 Duong Tan Lieu Xa Hung Long-Binh Chanh TP, HCM, with phone numbers +84-093-989-6655.
Hanh Ngoc also consulted the Highest Bhikshuni Thich Tien Lien for guidance on Dharma Studies for eight and a half years before becoming a Buddhist nun herself. Highest Bhikshuni Thich Tien Lien is the abbess at Ngoc Hoa Temple (Tịnh Xá Ngọc Hòa) at 766 S. 2nd Street, San Jose, California 95112.
Hanh Ngoc received permission from her husband, Trong Hieu, and her children, Felix and Christopher Tran, to renounce the world to become a Buddhist nun. In addition, Trong Hieu donated the house in Santa Clara, California to be converted into a Buddhist temple.
Most Highest Rank Thich Giac Luong was present for the Grand Opening of Thong Tri II Temple (Tịnh Xá Thông Trí II) at Santa Clara, California on August 15, 2019 and also led the renunciation ceremony for Bhikshuni Tinh Hanh and Bhikshuni Tinh Ngoc, where they were blessed by the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Patriarchs, the most venerable monks and nuns, and the support of the Sangha’s venerable monks and nuns, in a right moment of predestined conditions.
Per the Most Highest Rank Venerable Thich Giac Luong requested, Bhikshuni Tinh Hanh and Bhikshuni Tinh Ngoc to travel to The World Itinerant Monk Congregation (Đoàn Du Tăng Thế Giới), Phap Duyen Temple at 1760 W. Jensen Avenue, Fresno, CA 93706, where he is the residing abbot. Hence, on November 11, 2019, Bhikshuni Tinh Hanh and Bhikshuni Tinh Ngoc traveled to Fresno to receive their robe for their novice ordination ceremony.
Prior to becoming a Buddhist nun, Bhikshuni Tinh Hanh taught Mindfulness Meditation classes for three years at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension Campus for staff, students and members of the public for free.
Currently, the temple teaches weekly mindfulness meditation, recites sutras, and provides Dharma lectures on Saturdays.
May you all be free from suffering and all the causes of suffering, achieve happiness and peace.
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha

Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva