Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Newsletter #7
Spring 2023

Dear Friends,
In our last newsletter, I asked you, Do you know the meaning of your name or where it came from? Have you considered your answer?
Names are symbolically creative and transformative. During the various stages of Phuong’s transition to be a fully ordained Buddhist nun, she was given a new name at each stage. In our latest blog, Dharma Name, you can read about her Dharma name, the various transitions she experienced, and what each phase and new name represents.
In Christina’s project to explore the origin of her name, A Bright Hope, she found that her name is more than just a word. The various names and nicknames that we acquire throughout our lives evoke a different memory, story, and significance depending on the person who gives you the name. Consider how someone’s name or name change can be an important acknowledgement of their journey, transformation, and identity. Let’s honor and respect those names.
We encourage all of you to explore the origin of your own name!
Please join us as we celebrate Buddha’s Birthday or Vesak Day on June 4, 2023 at Thong Tri Temple. The ceremony begins at 10:00 AM. Please see the full day of scheduled activities below:
10:15 AM …… Lighting Candles
10:30 AM …… Meditation
11:00 AM …… Chanting
12:00 PM …… Bathing the Buddha
12:30 PM …… Lunch & cake
All are welcome to pay respect to the Buddha on Vesak Day. Lunch and birthday cake will be served. Chanting begins at 11:00 AM. The Temple will be decorated in honor of Vesak Day for the month of June. Lay-friends can also come to pay their respects on Sundays, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
You can read more about the significance of Vesak Day here: Vesak Day
Thong Tri Temple opens every Sunday!
Please see the Weekly Sunday Activities Program link here (on hold for Monthly Retreat).
Looking Ahead…
Our upcoming projects include the much anticipated the Fourth Noble Truth!
Wisdom Blogs
For those who would like an introduction to the Teachings of Buddha, please check out our Life of Buddha series.
Let’s be Friends!
Consider connecting with us on Facebook and following our new Facebook page.
We pray that you continue to reside in tranquility, awareness, acceptance, and the Present Moment.

If you no longer wish to receive the monthly newsletter, please click here to submit your message with the word, “Unsubscribe.” Thank you!
About the authors:
Phuong Pham is the creator of this website. In 2019, Phuong transitioned to become a Buddhist nun and transformed her home into Thong Tri Temple in Santa Clara, California. Her Buddhist name is Hanh Lien. You can read more about Phuong’s story on our Profiles page.
Christina Shon is the content editor of this website. She is a former high school English teacher, program coordinator in an Education non-profit, and program manager in Higher Education. She currently lives in Timnath, Colorado and provides care for a 92 year old Amida Buddhist woman.