Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Interview Questions
from Lay-friends
Fall 2024 Announcement

Dear Friends,
We’re so excited to share that Phuong ‘s weekly sessions of Mindfulness Meditation will now be available online!
Beginning Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 7-8 p.m. PT, you will be able to participate in a mindfulness meditation session via Zoom by registering here.
Each online meditation session will include 30 minutes of meditating together with a recorded meditation followed by 20 minutes of group sharing and Q&A led by Phuong. The group sharing and Q&A portion is a valuable part of the process for participants to reflect on the meditation session together and build community.
Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Please make sure your email address is entered correctly. To minimize interruptions, participants must arrive no later than 7:15 p.m. to be admitted.
Palo Alto Library will continue to host in-person Mindfulness Meditation at Mitchell Park Library in Palo Alto, CA every Saturday at 1pm. The next in-person meditation session will occur on Saturday, October 19, 2024. You can find more information here.
For those who cannot attend in person or online, you can view our Mindfulness Meditation video series on YouTube or visit the Palo Alto City Library YouTube channel. You can find guided meditation sessions for beginners in a variety of times from 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 45 minutes, and more! Choose the time that best serves your level of meditation practice.
Meditation is a wonderful way to transform the mind and to develop the following traits:
Higher qualities
Please see our guide to the benefits of a daily meditation practice and being in the present moment. Do not worry about the length of your meditation. Consistency is key. A 5-minute meditation session every day has tremendous benefits.
Put it into daily practice and find out for yourself how much you will grow!
Wisdom Blogs
For those who would like an introduction to the Teachings of Buddha, please check out our Life of Buddha series.
Let’s be Friends!
Consider connecting with us on Facebook and following our new Facebook page.
We pray that you continue to reside in tranquility, awareness, acceptance, and the Present Moment.

If you no longer wish to receive the monthly newsletter, please click here to submit your message with the word, “Unsubscribe.” Thank you!
About the authors:
Phuong Pham is the creator of this website. In 2019, Phuong transitioned to become a Buddhist nun and transformed her home into Thong Tri Temple in Santa Clara, California. Her Buddhist name is Hanh Lien. You can read more about Phuong’s story on our Profiles page.
Christina Shon is the content editor of this website. She is a former high school English teacher, and program coordinator in an education non-profit. Christina currently works as a freelance writer and lives in Timnath, Colorado. You can read Christina’s name story here.